Are You Ready To Quit?

One of the strongest indicators of your likelihood of success as a quitter is what can be described as your “readiness to quit”. I’ve noticed over the years that people who go into a quit with a certain set of characteristics tend to succeed, and that people who lack one or more of those characteristics tend to fail.

This doesn’t mean that if you personally don’t have all (or any) of the characteristics I’m about to describe that you can’t successfully quit smoking: statistics and averages only apply to groups of people; not to individuals. Your chances of success are 100%, as long as you make the right choices.

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How Do I Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight?

One of the most common ways we talk ourselves into smoking again after we quit is we gain a few pounds, blame it on quitting, and decide that we’d rather take our chances with smoking than gain any more weight.

The thing is, quitting smoking does not make you gain weight. Eating more food than you need, or eating the wrong kinds of food, is what makes you gain weight. I’ve worked with lots of quitters who gained weight when they quit, and I’ve worked with lots of other quitters who maintained their weight – or even lost weight – when they quit. The difference between them boils down to attitude and preparation.

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How To Quit Smoking: Emotion Trumps Logic

One of the principles of selling is that people buy based on emotion, then justify their purchase with logic.

What does that have to do with quitting smoking? One of the principles of quitting that I’ve discovered is that the people who succeed at quitting quit based on emotion, then justify their quit with logic. People who fail at quitting often have great-sounding “logical” reasons why they want to quit, but they don’t have the emotional fire to get the job done. Emotion trumps logic. Every single time.

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