There’s an old Zen proverb that says, “Do not seek the truth, only cease to cherish opinion.” To me, this means that the truth is all around you, and all you have to do to see it is to stop covering it up with your own flawed interpretations and expectations.
The Most Important Attribute of Successful Quitters
What do you think the number one most important attribute needed to be a successful quitter is? Willpower? Motivation? Fear? Determination? Stubbornness?
Continue reading The Most Important Attribute of Successful Quitters
What Have You Got to Lose?
For me, it was music.
The Challenge
Have you gotten to the point where you wonder if it’s all worth it? Where life is just wearing you down and it seems like if one more thing happens you’re just going to go out and buy a pack and to hell with it? Do you feel like you have a lot of reasons to quit, but there’s a lot of reasons to smoke, too?
Close Your Escape Hatches
When you were getting ready to quit smoking in the past, did you ever find yourself building little “escape hatches” in the back of your mind? I know I did. (If this is your first time quitting, read on: chances are very good that you’ll find yourself building “escape hatches” before you quit, too.)